Child Care and Kindergarten
in Canton, Michigan, for
children ages 2½ through 6
Nursery School
& Kindergarten
Real Life
CONTACT US: 1-734-495-0833
Our Junior Day Camp program operates out of the Real Life Nursery School.
Camp runs Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Morning and afternoon activities include songs, group games, arts and crafts, swimming, sand box play, bike riding, dramatic play, animal care, horseback rides, hayrides and picnics!
Our youngest campers (2½-3 years) travel to the farm every other day. On days when they don’t visit the farm, they have water-play on their playgrounds. Individual class schedules are posted to let you know which days your child’s class will travel back to the farm.
Campers ages 3-6 travel back to the farm every day for animal care and horseback rides. All children enjoy morning and afternoon playground play each day.
Junior Camp Schedule of the day
6:30a-9:00a: Arrival, morning snacks, choice time
9:00a-11:30a: Group time/attendance/camp songs/theme of the week is presented/ Crafts/ Farm time... horseback riding, animal care, hiking in the woods, playground fun, and hayrides back to the school!
11:30a-12:00p: Wash up for lunch
12:00p-1:00p: Lunch is served
1:00p-3:00p: Rest time for 2 1⁄2 -4 year olds (quiet music, books on CD)
1:00p-2:15p: Rest time for 4,5,6 year olds (quiet music, books on CD)
2:15p-4:00p: Get up from rest time... change into bathing suits for (optional) water play on the playgrounds... bike riding... sandbox play... group games... afternoon snack on the playground.
4:00p-5:30p: Change out of bathing suits... story time... Outside playground play.
5:30p-6:00p: Indoor choice time... Have a nice evening, and we'll see you tomorrow!
2025 Junior Camp Tuition Rates
Tuition is paid on a weekly basis. Rates vary depending on how many days your child attends camp.
There is a 2 day minimum per week.
Please Note: As stated in the Parent Policy Agreement, when registering for camp, you agree to pay tuition for all weeks your child is registered for unless you give Real Life Nursery School a two week notice that your child will not be able to attend.
Tuition is still charged when a camper is absent due to illness.
5 days per week: $290 per week.
4 days per week: $255 per week.
3 days per week: $215 per week.
2 days per week: $180 per week.
Summer program for children ages 2½ through 6