Child Care and Kindergarten
in Canton, Michigan, for
children ages 2½ through 6
Nursery School
& Kindergarten
Real Life
CONTACT US: 1-734-495-0833
Monthly Newsletter
March 2025
Welcome to the Month of March!
Only a few more weeks until spring arrives! There sure are some signs of it back on the farm…many of our animals are pregnant and ready to give birth very soon! The arrival of spring is always an exciting time on the farm!

March is National Reading Month!
We are excited to begin the month of March! The entire month will be dedicated to famous children’s authors. Check your child’s classroom newsletter to see which authors your child will be learning about. Of course, we will begin with one of the MOST famous… Dr. Seuss! We will celebrate his birthday on Monday, March 3rd by making some “Green Eggs & Ham!” Sound appetizing? Try it, you may like it

To kick off the month of March we will host an I:55 Book Fair beginning Monday, March 3rd and running through Thursday, March 7th. We will close the Book Fair around noon on Friday, March 8th. The book fair will be set up in the center hall. Parents and their children are welcome to shop the book fair throughout the day. We will be asking for some parent volunteers to help with the register and stocking of the books. There will be a sign- up list at the front desk in Building A & B if you are able to help. You may also shop the I:55 Book Fair Online by clicking here!
If you’d like to purchase a book for your child’s classroom, Lead and Bible Teachers will be making “Wish Lists” that you can see in person at the book fair and online. We will need Parent Volunteers to help with this event, so please be on the lookout for more information and sign-ups!

Calling all celebrity Readers!
In honor of Reading Month, most classrooms are looking for “Celebrity Readers” to come in and read to the children! Moms, Dads, Grandma’s, Grandpa’s, Uncle’s, Aunt’s, Brothers, Sister’s, etc! Check with your child’s teachers for more details and times!
Registration for this Summer and Fall began on February 1st. If you haven’t turned in your child’s Summer and/or Fall Registration forms yet, do so as soon as possible! Registration has been open to new families since February 14th.
Waiting to register may result in your child being placed on a waiting list!
Please note that if you plan to attend this summer and next Fall, you need to fill out paperwork for both programs!
Simply filling forms out online DOES NOT hold your child’s place!

Changes to our Tuition Policy
​​Our current policy states that tuition is due each Monday. Starting for our Summer Program and continuing on throughout the school year, tuition will be due a week in advance. For example, if you enroll your child for the first week of summer, which is the week of June 9-13, tuition for that week would be due on Monday, May 26. Please see the front desk with any questions.
As with each year, tuition prices will increase starting June 9, 2025.
Stop by the front desk if you have any questions!
​​ Parents are children’s first and most influential teachers. Reading together is one of the earliest shared experiences of parents and children. When you read a story to your child you are their “reading teacher.” Children learn to read by being read to. Research shows that early readers come from homes where reading is valued and experienced regularly. The desire to read starts with the early enjoyment of being held in a lap and cuddled as the story is read. In addition to the feelings of warmth and security fostered by lap time reading, reading aloud to children expands their world and vocabulary. It creates an appreciation of the value of print and promotes knowledge of the mechanics of reading from the top to the bottom of the page and from left to right. It also helps create an understanding of the “sequence of events.” Setting aside time every day to read to your child says, “I love you and I want to spend special time sharing a story with you.” It further demonstrates your love for books and sets the stage for developing in your child an interest and desire to become a reader. Let your child pick a story. Then cuddle up together to enjoy exploring the power and magic of the printed word!

​​ March 3-7 is our School Wide Book Fair! We have an amazing Book Fair from I:55 Book Fairs that we can’t wait to share with you! We will need Parent Volunteers to help with this event, so please be on the lookout for more information and sign-ups!

Mark Your Calendars!
Saturday May 3, 2025 From 11-2​​
This is our annual “Children’s Day on the Farm” Fundraiser! This year all proceeds will go to “Royal Family Kids Camp.” Royal Family Kids Camp is a Michigan Organization that provides a week of Summer Camp for children in the Foster Care System. Children in Wayne and Oakland County can receive the chance to enjoy a week of camp at Camp Michindoh. Through our fundraiser we hope to raise as much money as possible for children who are in the foster care system in Michigan.
We’ve got a lot of information coming up on how families can help us achieve this goal. Please check your child’s classroom for a list of items needed for their classroom auction basket! More information will be sent home in the next few weeks!

Happy Reading!
Ms. Mary Ann, Ms. Sara, Farmer Aaron and Ms. Robin